After few flights, I am slowly getting more comfortable with every phase of the flight. I now know I can plan the circuit and land. It may not be the worlds' smoothest landing, but it’ll be safe. My flying once off the tow could be better in terms of speed control and coordination, but I am working on that. I think it’ll come once I get used to sight picture and stop subconsciously pulling on a stick. I had exact same problem when switching between Cessna and Citabria as one flew in a much more nose down fashion than the other.
And after my last 2 flights, I was finally getting comfortable with the takeoff and towing. I’ll need couple more flights to feel fully comfortable, but I felt like I made a big progress compared to my earlier flights.
But flying is only part of the fun. The big difference between the glider operations and flying the airplanes out of a busy airport is the camaraderie and the grassroots nature on the gliding field. Everyone pitches in the get the glides and the tow planes out of the hangar in the morning, get them into positions, hook them up, run the wings, and put them back into hangar at the end of the day. I liked helping to hook up, running the wing and glider retrievals as much as flying. And the best part was, i could get close to the towplanes to take decent enough pictures even with my little travel camera.